Thursday, 29 July 2010

Rigmaiden Family History Blog: Welcome

Welcome to the Rigmaiden One-Name Study blog which is the result of a study registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies in 2009. The study includes families related by marriage, and their descendants where relevant. Rather a lot of information has now been accumulated and this blog shall, hopefully, be a means of disseminating that to anyone interested, and extending the information contained on the Guild's profile page. The first English Rigmaidens can be traced back to 13th century north Lancashire and Westmorland. At least three separate individuals emigrated to the United States from the 18th century onwards, and the descendants of one individual's Loiusiana family are now quite extensive. Australia was the destination of one female Rigmaiden who married in Calcutta to a member of the Hammill family, their four children were the beginning of an extensive family of descendants through the female line in the Melbourne area.
My personal connection is with the Liverpool branch of the family, in particular with James Rigmaiden who married my great great grandmother, Catherine Almond, in 1861. I will enlarge on this branch of the family in my next blog.